A Flash of Dance: Flash Mob Roars Into DHC

MFS Dancers take their fellow students by surprise with sudden Flash Mob.

MFS Dancers take their fellow students by surprise with sudden Flash Mob.

Last week an energetic, dance-fueled Flash Mob in the Dining Hall Commons took everyone by surprise. The flash mob, put on by Angela Wertner’s Dance students, consisted of a variety of group dance routines with accompanying music.

Dance teacher Mrs. Wertner explained that a lot of effort went into preparing for the even the few short minutes of entertainment, to make sure that everything went on without a hitch.

“Well it took half of the semester for the Intro to Dance class,” said Wertner. “We picked songs, and then made a mix. Then we had to chart the music, then choreograph, and then we figured out the formations. Then we worked on placement. It was a neat way for inexperienced dancers to try out dance. It was a fun class project.”

The dancers, all clad in black with white masks, made for quite an unusual sight in what was otherwise a normal lunch period.

“It was unexpected, I’ll give them that,” said junior Connor Cronk. “I had no clue what was going on. I guess that was the point.”

“I thought they did a great job,” continued Wertner. “I think they really did an awesome job, and they pulled through. It’s not an easy thing to do, to dance in front of all your peers.”

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