Shafferposition Mr. Shaffer Heading to the Classroom

Middle school Shaffer Theory dictates that Mr. Shaffer, like an electron, can be in an infinite number of locations at the same time. Beginning next year, though, his electric dynamic may be more localized to the classroom.

Shaffer, Middle School Director for the past twenty-two years, has recently decided to devote himself exclusively to teaching English. Shaffer noted that while he has “immensely enjoyed being the Middle School Director”, he also loves being an English teacher and sports coach. “I’ve been an administrator, at MFS and other schools, for the past thirty years,” said Shaffer. “It’s simply time for a change.”

Shaffer admits that it will be a difficult transition, as the responsibility he feels towards the wellbeing of the Middle School is simply “in [his] blood.” But he also wants to “focus [his] energies in a new area,” teaching English.

While Shaffer has taught a section of sixth grade English throughout his tenure as Middle School Director, upon assuming his new role he hopes not only to teach more Middle School classes but also to teach in the Upper School. “I plan on teaching a senior elective, both in the fall and in the spring,” said Shaffer.

As to whether or not he will retain his well-documented ability to be everywhere simultaneously, Shaffer simply said, “Yes. Yes I will.” Some things never change.

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