Too Cool for School?

In today’s culture, being outgoing is a great characteristic, but there is a fine line between outgoing and pompous. Stars like Charlie Sheen and Justin Bieber have been in the spotlight non-stop for their actions such as rebelling against the rules and behaving ill-manneredly. These actions can be seen in the media almost everyday. For example, smoking, drinking, and underage driving are activities shown repeatedly in tabloids, greatly affecting the minds students of today.

Sheen told E! News that he has “tiger blood” running through his veins and, therefore, gets negative attention in the media. Consequently, many teenagers claim to also have this “tiger blood.” The saying has exploded into our culture in the form of shirts, bags, and buttons. He is embedded into the minds of young adults, giving them reasons to act intolerably.

While many adult celebrities are partaking in these activities, young stars like Justin Bieber have also appeared in recent news due to negative behavior. Bieber has provoked and assaulted paparazzi and has done illegal activities such as smoking illegal substances and going to 21-and-up clubs. These actions have harsher consequences because of Bieber’s young age. His influence can leave students with bad reputations, possibly putting their life goals in jeopardy.

Celebrities should conduct themselves in a more appropriate manner when they are in the spotlight. They influence their fans, which can either have a positive outcome or a negative one. Outcomes should always be in the back of a celeb’s mind because it’s his or her job to help today’s youth become better people, which is a big role to play.


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