Pilgrims vs Elves: When Should Christmas Start?

Editor’s note: This article represents the Pro position of our Christmas Pro-Con special.  The Con position can be found here.

It’s the most wonderful time of the year. It’s that time at the end of the year when people either rejoice in anticipation of their favorite holiday, or complain about how music and decorations are coming out way too soon. Although it’s unfortunately not yet cold enough for hot cocoa, Christmas is nearly upon us. The holiday music has already started playing, but is it really necessary? Of course it is. Just because people won’t hear Royals for a while doesn’t mean they should start complaining.

Christmas music only comes once a year, and is usually only played once a month, with rare exceptions. Also, if someone doesn’t like Christmas music doesn’t mean they have to listen to it. Not all radio stations play Christmas music non-stop every hour of every day during the Christmas season.

The Christmas season is a time of year when everyone is in a good mood, and if Christmas music brings happiness, then for the love of St. Nick play it.  Christmas music is always positive, and it makes people happy, and it Christmas music brings about a nostalgic memory of the experience as a child of opening the toy he/she has wanted since it came out. Christmas music is upbeat and happy; no one cries while listening to Frosty the Snowman or Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.

Even stores are jumping in on the sensation. They’ve already established Christmas-themed aisles and put up candy canes. This makes it easier for everyone to get their Christmas materials before they become hard to find. Everyone wants their colored lights, but those who don’t pounce early on the opportunity to buy them are those who wind up with the bland white ones.

Christmas music is great, catchy, and seasonal. People love it, and it brings about the Christmas atmosphere that makes the holiday season so desirable and memorable. So don’t be the grinch who stole Christmas music.


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