Aren’t You a Little Old to be Trick or Treating?

Every year on Halloween, crowds of people go trick or treating dressed up in costumes. Normally this outing is seen as an affair for kids, with many older people instead opting to go to parties or celebrate by watching scary movies at home. But this transition from trick or treating to other types of Halloween fun poses an interesting question: Is there a cut off age for trick or treating?

WordsWorth sent out a Twitter poll recently asking people if they thought there was an age at which people should stop trick or treating. 19 percent of people said that thirteen or below is the prime age to stop, and 28 percent of people said that fourteen to fifteen is the ideal cut off age. Only 13 percent of people thought that sixteen to seventeen is a good age to stop, while a whopping 40 percent of people said that you are never too old to go trick or treating.

When asked how long she trick or treated, the math department chair Katie LuBrant stated, “I’ve trick or treated entirely too old; I was a freshman in college.”  Both she and math teacher Sarah Kelly expressed the sentiments of the 40 percent of voters who said you are never too old to go trick or treating. LuBrant also added that “as long as you dress up and say ‘trick or treat,’ you should be allowed to go trick or treating as long as you want.”

MFS students also had a lot to say about this potential age limit. “It varies from person to person” said sophomore Mathew Cherfane. “I’d love to keep going trick or treating, but I guess at one point… you don’t want to go.” Another sophomore, Griffin Elias, joked, “I do not think there is an age limit, unless you were an old guy because that would be pretty weird if there was an old guy walking around asking for candy.”

While opinions may vary on the exact cut off age for trick or treating, most of MFS agrees: trick or treating is fine for Upper Schoolers.

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