OP-ED: Painting the Future of the U.S. with the 2018 Midterms

With a country divided by aggravation and discontent, the people of the U.S. are desperate for a change. The 2018 midterm election marks the first opportunity to alter the tide of our politics in a new era of our country. Come November 6th, the 2018 Midterm kicks off; however, the midterms are about much more than just submitting your vote on a ballot to promote your political party. It is about fixing the past, building the present, and deciding the future. For a new set of young voters –  a generation that wants their voice to be heard – this is the first chance for them “speak.” Most importantly, the midterms grant the opportunity to express opinions regardless of race, religion, gender, or ethnicity.

Despite the Republicans currently dominating both the Senate and the House, the Democrats are still slightly favored to win. It is predicted to be a close head-to-head race, although recent approval ratings suggest a Republic loss. Per CNN and SkyNews, the Democrats are favored in densely populated areas and cities, which should help propel them into a majority vote. With lots at stake for the common people, our government has even more out on the betting table. President Trump looks to gain the overall popularity as his approval rating is starting to plummet, and as well maintain an absolute Republican power while the Democrats seek for redemption.

The U.S., a country so divided by politics, looks to regain unity among our citizens and politicians to work together and rebuild our prosperous nation.

If you would like to respond publicly to this op-ed, send a Letter to the Editor to [email protected]. The views expressed in this piece do not necessarily reflect the views of all staff members of WordsWorth.

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One Comment

  1. Ishaan wow perfect picture of what’s going on & what need to change. Proud of u beta

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